The Foundation’s charitable purpose is to advance culture and to benefit the general public and it does this by using its funds to promote, advance and develop the Art Gallery in all forms principally by contributing to the Art Gallery’s collection and in more recent times in seeking an expansion of the Art Gallery to ensure as much of its collection as possible is on display at all times. The Foundation is the major fundraising body for the Gallery and it does this through memberships, by seeking donations, by running fundraising activities; and by accepting bequests. A bequest to the Foundation is a generous way for you to make a lasting contribution for the benefit of future generations. Bequests to the Foundation help to strengthen the collection of the Gallery.
The Foundation welcomes all bequests. There are no membership or administration fees associated with bequests. The Foundation and the Newcastle Art Gallery each appreciates the opportunity to acknowledge bequest donors. Forms of bequests include gifts of cash, whole or percentage of an estate, works of art, real estate, or shares. The Foundation recommends that bequest donors seek professional advice in arranging a bequest.
An unrestricted bequest is always the most helpful; however if you are considering restricting your legacy to a particular area or are considering leaving a specific work of art for our collection, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your plans before you commit, in confidence of course, to ensure that so far as is possible, your wishes can be fulfilled.
Suggested Bequest Wordings (unconditional)
“to give the sum of $x OR to give [insert percentage or fraction] of the residue of my estate to the Trustee of the Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation (“the Trustee”) to hold for the Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation Trust (ABN 27 761 310 771) for the use and benefit of the Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation at the Trustee’s absolute discretion and I DIRECT that a receipt from the Secretary of the Trustee shall be sufficient discharge to my executor for such gift.
Donating Art Works