Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation


Choose your level of membership

General $500
Fellow $5,000
Trustee $15,000
Governor $100,000

In appreciation of your personal involvement with the work of the Gallery, you will:


Be invited to have your name listed on the Foundation Honour Board.


Receive invitations to view public and private collections.


Be invited to special events in Newcastle and beyond.


Receive Foundation newsletters.

Since its inception in 1978, the Foundation has supported the work of the Gallery. It invests capital from donations and bequests primarily to purchase works of art for the collection. From time to time, special appeals are made to support major acquisitions.

The generosity of Newcastle Art Gallery’s benefactors has ensured that the Gallery has one of the most significant art collections in Australia. Many of its most important works have resulted from donations, and today around 80 per cent of the collection has come from gifts and bequests. The Newcastle Art Gallery collection is one of the City of Newcastle’s proudest and most valuable assets.

The Gallery continues to depend on the support of its benefactors to maintain the high standard of its collections and exhibitions.

Foundation members have a special relationship with the Gallery because they have the opportunity to play a real part in building the Gallery’s collection for future generations to enjoy. The strength and breadth of the Gallery’s exhibitions and its contribution to the cultural life of Newcastle, the Hunter Region and the nation, is in no small part due to the long-standing tradition of giving that this community embraces.

  • The Foundation welcomes individual corporate members.
  • Foundation membership and donations are fully tax deductible, except for the first $50 of your membership.
  • Membership is cumulative, so benefactors who make further donations or gift works of art are recognised at the appropriate level.