Honour Roll – The initial donors to the expansion
The Foundation would like to acknowledge those who contributed to the original Redevelopment Building Fund for the Newcastle Art Gallery expansion. Their support helped pave the way for this expansion project being realised.
Newcastle Art Gallery – Redevelopment Building Fund
John & Dawn Allen
Paul & Peny Anicich
Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society (Newcastle)
Laurel Bale
Virginia Blackham
B & J Borenstein
L Bronger
Janice Chapman
Robyn Chapman
Beryl Crago
S & A Crane
Les & Gael Davies
J E Dickeson
Robert Doig & Ruth Watson
Janet Dore
Patricia Douglass
Peter Doyle
Anne Drinkwater
Shirley Eagles
Dr K D G Edwards
John & Rene Eisner
Dr Caleb Firkin
Hamish Fitzharding & Kylie Henry
Chris & Helen Ford
Peter & Denise Frost
J Gallan
Phillip Gardner & Lisa Sutton-Gardner
Phyllis Harris
Dick & Georgina Hart
James & Judy Hart
Gay Hart AM
Dr Robert & Lindy Henderson
Dr Peter Hendry
Ian F Hurrell
Terry Lawler
James Leitch
Marcel & Gerda Maeder
Chris Mitzevich
Paul Munro
Newcastle City Council
Newcastle Gallery Society
Newcastle Permanent Building Society
Newcastle Region Art Gallery Foundation
James & Gwen O’Brien
Dr Margaret Olley AC
Keith Parsons
Chris & Shirley Piggott
Ron Ramsey
W Saddington
Prof Nicholas Saunders
Darren & Leigh Shearer
Margaret Sivyer OAM
Alan & Pam Squire
William & Margaret Summerfield
Macquarie Bank
Nancy Tapp
Norma & Lorna Taylor
The Herald
Tomago Aluminium
Jill Valdar
Jenny Varley
Sonia Walkom
Dr Judy White AM
Cameron Wiliams
Paul Wilson
David Porter
John & Anna Hill
Terence O’Connor
Virginia Parsons
Madeleine Mitchell
Ron & Margaret Keir
James Macdougall

Image: Foundation and Redevelopment Building Fund Donors presenting $1.3 million cheque to the City of Newcastle for the Newcastle Art Gallery Expansion.
Image: Vivian Hayles
View the news article here.